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Updates from Dreamweaver –Oh, The Places I’ll Go!

Writer's picture: Cali WiersmaCali Wiersma

I thought I would take this holiday week to give a little update on Dreamweaver and the goings on around ‘the office’. I am sorry that I haven’t been writing blogs as much as I used to. I have been extremely busy finishing up my college diploma, fighting with Meta to get my accounts back and trying to find some kind of routine as a ‘working mom’ – a transition that has not been as easy as I had thought it would be for both myself and my family.

What’s going on with Dreamweaver’s Business Facebook Page?

Let’s start with an update on my Facebook accounts – Meta sucks. Well, their lack of customer support sucks. It doesn’t matter what avenue I have taken I have not been able to get my account back or access to my business page. I did finally break down and set up a new personal Facebook page with the hopes that I could just claim my business page and continue with my life, however, Meta shut that page down too only a week and a half after I got it up and running. Now, luckily, I was able to get it back by submitting my ID to them and within 48 hours I had my second account back. Too bad it wasn’t that easy the first time around.

Since it is now past 30 days since my account was disabled, I think it’s safe to assume that I will never get that account back, and likely will never be able to get my original business page for Dreamweaver either. Both frustrate the living heck out of me and I have spent more hours than I care to admit, stressed to the max trying to figure out how to fix this problem.

Something that has bothered me non-stop about this whole situation is that Meta has two purchasable products – the Oculus and Portal – products that require Facebook/Meta accounts in order to use those devices. These devices are not cheap either.

We have a Portal TV device and have been unable to use it since my first account went down. It was too convenient to ignore that we just got our Portal all hooked up and within 24 hours Meta disables my account so in order to avoid that from happening to my second account or my husband’s account we have been leery about connecting any other accounts to the Portal device. So now we have this $175.00 TV stand décor piece just sitting there collecting dust. It would have been nice to use this device for my business as I meet with clients virtually, but there’s no way I am risking my account if that device is what causes this mess to begin with.

Anyways, back to the original reason I brought all this up, Meta has customer support for these two devices. A support where you can speak to an actual human (gasp!), but after talking to many of these support team members over the past 4 weeks, they have stuck to their guns about not being able to help me with my account EVEN THOUGH you need an account to use their devices. How does that make sense? I am fully aware that when you sign up for a Facebook account that you are signing up to use someone else’s property and they have every right to kick you off without even so much as a warning (it’s in the fine print that no one reads when they sign up for any social media account), however, Meta has long since past the point where they don’t need an adequate support system in place for their users, especially now that people are buying devices with an account requirement in order to use said devices.

Account support should be something that Meta has for all users right now. A quick 30 minute conversation with an online account support chat agent could have had my account issues all sorted out and me on my way, but instead, I have to start over with my business page and my personal page, losing over a decade of memories, contacts and more. To me, what has happened is unacceptable and completely fixable if Meta cared about their users even in the slightest. Don’t even get me started on their ‘Help Center’ and ‘Business Help Center’, what a joke.

How’s your Digital Marketing Specialist diploma coming along?

I am happy to report that I have officially graduated from triOS College with my Digital Marketing Specialist Diploma, and I am very excited to see what the future has in store for myself and for Dreamweaver. I am already taking on clients and finding myself having to completely rethink my schedule as a mom, Homemaker and Wife. It got overwhelming trying to figure this out so, I called in my own Mom and brought her out to Ontario from Alberta, to help me with my two kids while I get my business going and figure out my new life as a ‘working mom’.

Digital Marketing Specialist AND Supermom/wife…how do you do it?

It feels so weird to say that. ‘Working mom.’ That’s me. My babies are 5 and 3 and yet I feel like I just had them yesterday. I have struggled with the idea that there is this societal pressure for working moms to work as if they don’t have a family and raise a family as if they don’t work outside the home.

I was never ‘just a mom’ to begin with and, frankly. I hate that phrase with ever fiber of my being. There is so much to being a mom. Things that no one sees. Those things still must somehow get done now that I am working full-time as a Digital Marketing Specialist. Logically, the duties that I can no longer take care of all by my self means that I should just pass some on my husband, but that is also easier said than done. This means that I am in a new transition phase in my life. Taking on more as a working mom and learning how to ask for help when I need it from my husband and family is almost unchartered territory for me. It means I have to rethink how my days will play out, create new routines, redistribute family and home keeping responsibilities, and even be willing to give up or let some things go in order to make sure that I am not burning myself out within the first couple months of my new life. Check in with me in three months to see how this goes.

All things said, this last year has flown by and we are now looking forward to a wonderful spring and summer together as a two-income family. A summer with my Mom here to experience all the summer fun with her grandbabies – something she hasn’t been able to do because of COVID. There will be ups and downs and a ton of adjustments and readjustments, but I have this feeling like good things are coming for my family and I cannot wait to find out what it is.

How Can Dreamweaver Digital Marketing Services help your business?

Are you looking for a Digital Marketing Specialist for your business? Or maybe a Content Creator for your social media pages? Or maybe you’re looking to build a website, run an SEO audit of your business, or set up some paid advertising for your business on Google or your social media pages? Well, Dreamweaver Digital Marketing Services can help with it all and we have service packages that can customized to what you need for your business. Send me a message today and let’s get started!

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